Scholarships |
Awards |
School Library Internship Scholarship for the Masters Level
This $500.00 scholarship will be awarded each summer during our annual conference to a member of ASLA currently enrolled in a Master’s Level degree program in order to provide financial assistance during their internship. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the recipient’s contribution/potential contribution to the library profession. It is available to students who are residents of Alabama, and who are or will be studying at any institution accredited by the American Library Association [ALA] or by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education [NCATE]. Recipients of this scholarship will be selected by the Scholarship Committee and approved by the ASLA Board in the spring of each year on the basis of academic achievement, potential service/contribution, and financial need. The application package will need to contain:
EdS and Doctoral Level Scholarship This $500.00 scholarship will be awarded each summer during our annual conference to a member of ASLA currently enrolled in an Educational Specialist or Doctoral Level degree program in order to provide financial assistance during their internship. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the recipient’s contribution/potential contribution to the library profession. It is available to students who are residents of Alabama, and who are or will be studying at any institution accredited by the American Library Association [ALA] or by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education [NCATE]. Recipients of this scholarship will be selected by the Scholarship Committee and approved by the ASLA Board in the spring of each year on the basis of academic achievement, potential service/contribution, and financial need. The application package will need to contain:
Coatest Carter Past President AwardThe Coatest Carter Past President Award is awarded by the ASLA board to the immediate past president in recognition of service to the organization.
Judy Johnson School Library Mentor AwardNamed after former Bryant High School librarian, Judy Johnson, this distinction is awarded to a school librarian who has shown outstanding leadership in mentoring current and future librarians, thus raising a new generation of school librarians who are creative, innovative, and who collaborate with the school community. Carrie C. Robinson AwardThe Carrie C. Robinson award honors an Alabama librarian who provides an innovative, creative, and exceptional library program for children or young adults. Membership in ASLA, service to the organization, educational background and degrees earned are not criteria for this award. The award is based solely on the quality of an individual's library program. Ruth H. Johnson AwardThe Ruth H. Johnson Award is given for cumulative services to the library profession by a recently retired Alabama library media specialist. The nominee must have served in the library profession for at least ten years and must have been a member of ASLA. Lois E. Henderson Presidential AwardThe Lois E. Henderson Presidential Award is given to a member for outstanding contributions to library service and to ASLA. Distinguished Service Award For School LibrariansThe Distinguished Service Award is granted to a person who has shown outstanding leadership in advancing the theory and/or practice of school librarianship over a substantial period of time. The nominee should a member of ASLA. This award may be given posthumously. Distinguished Service Award For School AdministratorsThe Distinguished Library Service Award for School Administrators is a citation made by ASLA annually, to an administrator of a school or group of schools, for developing an exemplary school library media program and for having made an outstanding and sustained contribution which has advanced the role of the school library media center as an agency for the improvement of education. Charles E. Carr AwardThe Charles E. Carr Award is given to an outstanding library media student who is currently enrolled in an Alabama college library media program. Ann Marie Pipkin Technology Award Eligibility Information: The nominating party must be a current member of ASLA. He/she must also nominate a person who is a current member of ASLA, who is an active Alabama school librarian serving in a K-12 school library program. Or, nominate an individual who has retired within the last 3 years who served in the capacity of a K-12 Alabama school librarian and was a member of ASLA at the time of their retirement. Qualifications Honoring an individual who has shown an accomplished body-of-work through the implementation of innovative educational technologies into his/her library media program and school curriculum The recipient should have a proven record of serving as a Cyberlibrarian and as a consultant/mentor to others in the use of educational technologies. The Ann Marie Pipkin Library Technology Award is granted to a person who has shown outstanding leadership in advancing the practice of educational technology over a substantial period of time. The following areas describe the type of service which the nominee has rendered to the field of educational technology: